Chronic Pain Recovery Support

Health Care Providers

“Ray of Hope Chronic Pain Recovery Support
was created following my own
recovery from debilitating chronic pain.”

Ray of Hope Chronic Pain Recovery Support is a 3-month scientific research-based nutrition, health, and lifestyle education support program which has been designed to complement medical care. Following completion of the 3-month program, optional continued support is available on a month-by-month basis. This program is suitable for all chronic pain patients, regardless of their specific chronic pain diagnosis, mobility status, or comorbidities. Personalized Zoom support meetings are provided every two weeks. During the first Zoom support meeting, a learning needs assessment will be conducted to ensure that your patients receive the specific information they require. A password protected member section of this website provides educational diagrams which are screen shared during Zoom support meetings, in addition to access to informative blog articles to increase the knowledge base of your patients.

The Foundational Building Blocks of Health provides the framework for gentle, consistent, nutrition, health, and lifestyle changes which will enable your patients to guide their bodies to the path of healing. Program goals include the reduction of chronic pain by addressing known root causes which create and amplify chronic pain, the reduction of health harming habits, and implementation of gentle, consistent health promoting changes. The time frame required for chronic pain reduction will differ for your patients due to the complexity of variables which have created and/or amplified chronic pain, in addition to program compliance, and consistency.

This inclusive program is suitable for patients with all levels of mobility, ability, and disability, including your patients who require a wheelchair, and your bedridden patients. Program subjects include nutrition, with focus placed upon reducing inflammatory foods, increasing superfoods rich in antioxidants, oxidative stress reduction, toxin intake reduction, and natural support of the body’s detoxification pathways, with an emphasis on improving mitochondrial health, and overall cellular health. When indicated, improvement of sleep patterns, resetting circadian rhythm, increasing mobility gradually, and safe daily outdoor light exposure will be encouraged.

Health harming insulin resistance, and metabolic dysfunction will be explored due to the high prevalence of these conditions within our society. Therefore, intermittent fasting will be discussed due to its health benefits including autophagy, mitophagy, gut microbiome health, reversal of insulin resistance, and improved metabolic health. Gut health including increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut), gut microbiome dysbiosis, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), and Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth (SIFO) will be covered due to their etiological prevalence when a chronic pain diagnosis exists. Since this program does not diagnose, treat, or recommend any course of treatment, your patients will be encouraged to discuss any symptoms or concerns with you. Effective and ongoing communication with health care providers is encouraged to ensure that nutrition, health, and lifestyle changes are appropriate medically.

When a history of abuse, trauma, or chronic stress exists, the health harming impacts will be addressed in conjunction with the emotional and social impact of living with chronic pain. When indicated, the healing power of forgiveness, restoration of joy, and strategies to encourage natural weight loss without dieting will also be covered. The Autonomic Nervous System will be explained, and techniques to reduce time spent in Sympathetic Nervous System mode such as progressive relaxation will be encouraged to facilitate increased time spent in Parasympathetic Nervous System mode. When indicated, gut-brain axis, hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis, neurotransmitter production, epigenetics, and how the aforementioned factors affect health will be discussed. Benefits of massage therapy, and gentle chiropractic care will be addressed.

Following my 25-years of practice experience as a Registered Nurse, resignation from practice due to my personal descent into debilitating chronic pain, and my subsequent recovery, I am positioned uniquely to provide both the education and support that your chronic pain patients require. I’m happy to share that I no longer experience symptoms from fibromyalgia, lower back pain, bursitis, nerve pain, or migraine headaches. Neuropathy in my right hand, hypertension, and baseline tachycardia are non existent today, and every aforementioned health improvement occurred because I embraced the Foundational Building Blocks of Health. My body continues to heal and strengthen.

Ray of Hope Chronic Pain Recovery Support is the 18th health education program I’ve developed and taught. For additional information pertaining to my educational background, professional practice experience, and teaching experience, please click on the About Us link.  Better tomorrows are possible for your chronic pain patients!

“I would be honoured to provide the comprehensive, peer reviewed research-based education, and individualized support your chronic pain patients require to decrease their chronic pain, and improve their quality of their lives.”

"My quality of life has improved dramatically, and joy has returned."

Although I no longer practice as a Registered Nurse, I continue to help people by providing nutrition, health, and lifestyle education. Having recovered from unrelenting chronic pain from multiple medical conditions, I am positioned uniquely to support people who are suffering from chronic pain, and provide them with encouragement and hope that better tomorrows are possible.